The Palm Tree™
Jun 07, 2023
By Jim Fannin
The palm tree reacts to a hurricane or violent storm by allowing the negativity to pass through it by bending with the wind. It absorbs the wrath of the devastating storm. After the hurricane dissipates and disappears, the palm stands up straight to witness another day of sunshine. It symbolizes all that’s good about the sun, the beach, the ocean, recreation, and pleasure. Malleability and adjustment help it survive and thrive.
Within the first five seconds of a verbal or non-verbal assault, relax your jaw and lower your breathing. Say nothing. No knee-jerk reaction of anger or counter-attack.
The next time you are confronted by an angry driver on the road or a loved one who is blowing off steam, be the palm tree!
Your thoughts, feelings, and actions happen daily. Are you aware of them? Humans perform many body language mannerisms, which we’re not always consciously aware we’re exhibiting. There are feelings of frustration, jealousy, and embarrassment that can occur without our immediate knowledge.
In the next few days, be aware of your true thoughts and feelings. Experiment with this the next time you are in a situation that could lead to anger. As soon as a circumstance, condition, or event displeases or disturbs you, think of the palm tree. You must have a “palm tree” thought before that hurricane reaches full force.
The palm tree reacts to a hurricane or violent storm by allowing the negativity to pass through it by bending with the wind. It absorbs the wrath of the devastating winds. After the storm dissipates and leaves, the palm stands up straight to enjoy another day of sunshine. It symbolizes all that’s good about the sun, beach, ocean, recreation, and pleasure.
An oak tree, of course, would brace itself and fight the 80 to 100-mph gale-force winds. It would fight with all of its strength to not succumb to the hurricane's force. With a mighty but futile attempt, it would be left with broken branches or be rendered a mere tree trunk. Maybe it would be uprooted and scattered. This is why you never see oak trees on the beach.
Are you a palm tree or an oak tree in the face of adversity? Most of the time, a palm tree attitude works, and the demeanor of an oak tree is seldom effective. Although if the situation presents itself, you may need to stand tall like the mighty oak and say, “This is not acceptable.”
Keep both the palm and oak tree images in your mind. Be armed when the time comes to wield their services. Be aware of your thoughts and feelings, and you will control your actions and, ultimately, your results.
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